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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Looked like the least worst alternative to reddit (which was the least worst replacement for what the internet used to be before reddit, and facebook, and the like, killed it).

    Turns out it’s mostly reddit reposts (often by bots, which is ironic since the originals were also reddit reposts posted by bots) and US politics garbage, and even more susceptible than Reddit to power hungry mods and echo chambers.

    I guess I’m just addicted to doomscrolling. Which is almost as depressing as the fact that this inane crumb of utterly useless and purposeless garbage is by far the least worst furuncle in the rotting bot infested corpse of the internet.

  • It’s an LLM. Odds are it’s hallucinating the sources and they don’t even exist.

    Know what does compile sources for you which are guaranteed to exist and be related to what you’re looking for…? A good old not LLM infected search engine.

    If my plumber replaces their wrench for a rabid gerbil claiming it’ll be just as good I’m definitely changing plumbers.

  • Impressive how…? It’s just statistics-based very slightly fancier autocomplete…

    And useful…? It’s utterly useless for anything that requires the text it generates to be reliable and trustworthy… the most it can be somewhat reliably used for is as a somewhat more accurate autocomplete (yet with a higher chance for its mistakes to go unnoticed) and possibly, if trained on a custom dataset, as a non-quest-essential dialogue generator for NPCs in games… in any other use case it’ll inevitably cause more harm than good… and in those two cases the added costs aren’t remotely worth the slight benefits.

    It’s just a fancy extremely expensive toy with no real practical uses worth its cost.

    The only people it’s useful to are snake oil salesmen and similar scammers (and even then only in the short run, until model collapse makes it even more useless).

    All it will have achieved in the end is an increase in enshittification, global warming, and distrust in any future real AI research.