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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • Cross-post comment:

    Geerling also demonstrated that the 2GB Pi 5 comes with a couple of unexpected benefits that Upton didn’t mention in his announcement—that the 2GB Pi 5 runs a little cooler and uses a little less power than the 4GB and 8GB editions. The 2GB Pi used just 2.4 W or power at idle and 8.9 W during a CPU stress test, compared to 3.3 W and 9.8 W in the 4GB version. The SoC of the 2GB Pi measured 30° Celsius at idle and 59° under load, compared to 32° and 63° for the 2GB version. Those are all small but significant differences, given that nothing has changed other than the SoC.

    As to the exact functionality that was removed from the chip for the 2GB version of the Pi, the company hasn’t gotten specific. But Geerling speculates that it’s mostly related to functionality that’s being handled by the custom RP1 I/O chip—RP1 handles the Ethernet and USB controllers, display interfaces, and GPIO, among other things.

    So is it worth stepping down to a 2 GB Pi 5 just to get the simpler D0 chip? No. But is it cool to have a cheaper 2 gig option exist? Yes. Just make sure you have a use case for it that doesn’t need a ton of RAM.[1]

    1. [1] ↩︎

  • Are you holding ‘Option’ down when it boots? So as to access the GNU GRUB menu?

    Quick search:


    1. 00:00 Intro
    2. 00:26 Why use Linux Mint?
    3. 03:29 Booting from, and playing with, the live USB
    4. 06:51 Release notes and installing Linux Mint
    5. 09:50 First impressions of the new Linux Mint install
    6. 10:56 Walking through the “First Steps” guide
    7. 14:45 Updating for the first time and playing with the Panel
    8. 15:53 System settings in Linux Mint
    9. 16:32 Software Manager and installing OBS from Flatpak
    10. 18:21 Customizing the Panel (taskbar)
    11. 19:52 Trying OBS from the Flatpak, testing the camera
    12. 20:24 Other applications shipped with Linux Mint
    13. 22:56 Parting thoughts

    Edit2: added below; forgot yt link, added

    Another quick search:

    This process should work on any Intel Mac pre 2018 (without T2 security chip & secure boot). Thanks for the suggestion to install Linux on this old MacBook Air! It has brought new life to this old computer and I am really enjoying getting to know Linux, as I have never really used Linux in this capacity. Let me know if you would like a more in depth video of how I set up my Linux environment!

  • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldNew youtube layout?
    2 months ago

    Oh, thanks for the link!

    Edit: added a bit of information below for those interested

    A/B testing (also known as split testing or bucket testing) is a methodology for comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better. A/B testing is essentially an experiment where two or more variants of a page are shown to users at random, and statistical analysis is used to determine which variation performs better for a given conversion goal

    In an A/B test, you take a webpage or app screen and modify it to create a second version of the same page. This change can be as simple as a single headline, button or be a complete redesign of the page. Then, half of your traffic is shown the original version of the page (known as control or A) and half are shown the modified version of the page (the variation or B).

    The following is an A/B testing framework you can use to start running tests:

    1. Collect data:
    2. Identify goals:
    3. Generate test hypothesis:
    4. Create different variations:
    5. Run experiment:
    6. Wait for the test results:
    7. Analyze results:

  • IMO:

    Bare bones skeleton crews, similar to Railroad workers. They will try to strike but then gov’t will make it illegal to do so ASAP.

    Staying hopeful though, keep learning and teaching, while being involved at your local community!

    The future of our jobs is not a mystery. It is the result of a transformation that started a long time ago. It is obvious, clearly understandable, but well hidden behind of curtain of confusion. This book starts from the most asked question: “will AI take over our jobs?” In order to show how misleading it is. Misleading are also all the alarms raised over the power AI, but the real dangers could have even more deleterious consequences, leading to an era where the masses could be trapped in jobs that are alienating, mind numbing and underpaid. Exposing the arguments in a manner understandable by the layman, The Age of the Button Pushers goes trough the fields of computer science, economics and media communication. The whole picture will be reconstructed taking into account the lessons from the past with the changes brought by the industrial revolution, the present with the consequences of automation, the near future with the risk of an economy dominated by monopolistic giants. Part of the book will be dedicated to all the fabricated stories that dominate the current narrative on the media, highlighting the flaws and the inconsistencies, showing how altogether these stories paint a picture that makes absolutely no sense.

  • Adobe said a relatively small amount — about 5% — of the images used to train its AI tool was generated by other AI platforms. “Every image submitted to Adobe Stock, including a very small subset of images generated with AI, goes through a rigorous moderation process to ensure it does not include IP, trademarks, recognizable characters or logos, or reference artists’ names,” a company spokesperson said.

    Adobe Stock’s library has boomed since it began formally accepting AI content in late 2022. Today, there are about 57 million images, or about 14% of the total, tagged as AI-generated images. Artists who submit AI images must specify that the work was created using the technology, though they don’t need to say which tool they used. To feed its AI training set, Adobe has also offered to pay for contributors to submit a mass amount of photos for AI training — such as images of bananas or flags.

  • I would not blindly trust those people either, if they are human they are corruptible as well.

    Looking at certain ‘scientific background’ people they act just like politicians, if you take the time to look into them and their activities.

    I am just saying to be criticial and do not treat them like celebrity worship status, because I have done that mistake with politicians as well.

    We must stay criticial of people in power and with money/influence.

  • How much does an Orchid screening cost?

    It’s $2,500 per embryo.

    And presumably you’d be screening several embryos. What about for families that can’t afford that?

    We have a philanthropic program, so people can apply to that, and we’re excited to accept as many cases as we can.

    I must now ask a question I’ve been dreading. I’m sorry in advance. Here goes. It’s the inevitable question about Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes.

    No, this is the worst question. This is so mean.

    Tell me why it’s so mean.

    I find it sad. It’s a sad state of affairs where—my friends who aren’t even in health, they say they get it too. It’s like, any female CEO with any tech-adjacent thing is constantly being questioned—by the way, are you like this other fraud? Do you want to comment on this other random fraud that occurred that has absolutely nothing to do with you besides the person being the same gender as you?

    If you’re trying to charitably understand where this question is coming from, how do you do that?

    What would be the charitable interpretation—besides that our society is incredibly misogynistic and men’s frauds and failings are passed aside and when one female does it she stands for every other female CEO ever?

    So there’s no charitable interpretation.

    I don’t think there is. Society treats men as, like, default credible. For a woman, the default is skeptical.

  • The groups claim that Meta (META) collects an unnecessary amount of information on its users — such as data used to infer their sexual orientation, emotional state or even their susceptibility to addiction — which they are unable to freely consent to.

    “With its illegal practices, Meta fuels the surveillance-based ads system which tracks consumers online and gathers vast amounts of personal data for the purpose of showing them adverts,” the BEUC said in a statement.

    Last May, EU regulators fined the tech giant a record-breaking €1.2 billion ($1.3 billion) for violating GDPR rules by transferring the personal data of Facebook users to servers in the United States.

    In October, EU regulators forced Meta to start asking for explicit consent from its users to process their personal information for the purpose of delivering them targeted advertisements.

    But the BEUC argued Thursday that Meta’s subscription service offers users “an unfair and misleading choice” as its data processing isn’t transparent, meaning users cannot know how subscribing would change the way their information is processed. Moreover, Meta’s market dominance means that users cannot easily leave its platforms without cutting themselves off from their family and friends.