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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023

  • C has not aged well, despite its popularity in many applications. I’m grateful for the incredible body of work that kernel developers have assembled over the decades, but there are some very useful aspects of rust that might help alleviate some of the hurdles that aspiring contributors face. This was not a push by rust evangelists, but an attempt to enable modernization efforts at least for new driver development. If it doesn’t work out, that’s fair enough but I’m grateful for the willingness - especially of Linus - to try something new.

  • anyhow2503@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldtoxic help forum
    4 months ago

    There are two ways to save your work in either program. You can save your actual work, so you can continue editing at some point and not lose stuff like layers, image quality and other information or you can export your work into some kind of image file, optionally compressing it and discarding extra information about the project. I think GIMP even offers a shortcut for this called “Overwrite …”. How is this an issue?

  • wayland doesn’t seem to support nvidia as well as X does, just due to development focus

    Ymmv with Nvidia, but that has nothing to do with development focus and everything to do with Nvidia’s refusal to use the same interfaces Intel and AMD use. Most of the way Nvidia works or doesn’t work with X or Wayland is down to Nvidia’s driver stack. Personally I’ve not had much positive experiences with Nvidia on X.

    Like yes major releases and distros are moving to wayland now, that just means they find it stable enough to start doing development on it.

    That happened literal years ago. The reason you’re only noticing now, might be because KDE has gotten their Wayland implementation to a reasonably stable point. Gnome has supported Wayland for some time now and other DEs probably don’t have the resources to move on from X. I don’t see the distros that are only switching over now as major contributors to any development specific to Wayland.

    I don’t take issue with your preferences. Maybe you’re better off with X for now, that’s fine, but you make it sound like Wayland is just full of issues and has barely even entered some kind of pre-release state for software masochists.

  • Except when X doesn’t fucking work ™ and hasn’t properly worked in literal decades. I don’t think I’ve ever managed to get rid of horizontal tearing with X. Calling X feature complete is pretty funny, but it isn’t. So many things were never fully implemented, because it’s just an impossible amount of work or would require some major rearchitecting. You don’t have to deal with updates because literally no one wants to develop it any further or even maintain it. The devs have moved on to Wayland or other things.

    It’s fine if it works for you, but I’m getting tired of Linux conservatives projecting their own experiences on everyone else and declaring Wayland as “not ready yet” and handwaving all of X’s obvious problems away because they’re used to dealing with them. I’ve used Wayland as a default for all my machines for years. After a rough beginning where major features were still in development, now it works. XWayland works. Native Wayland apps work. I don’t have tearing anymore. I’m not going to pretend that that’s the universal experience, but a lot of people are using it just fine right now.

  • Then trying to nag you into saving it to some unknown unused bizarre gimp extension.

    You mean saving a project file? The same way you’d save a PSD file in PS, so you can actually save all your layers and go back to make an edit? It’s been a while since I’ve used Photoshop, but I’m pretty sure both GIMP and PS offer two different workflows of saving/exporting your work and they are just named differently and have different keybinds. I have no idea how you can act like you actually tried to use GIMP as something other than a drop-in replacement for PS, but then call the default GIMP project file format “unknown, unused and bizarre”…

  • You could not have worded that more condescendingly. The issue here is that Rust is singled out for no more apparent reason than making for a clickbaity headline. The underlying Windows API function requires undocumented escaping to prevent this exploit, Microsoft won’t fix that because it breaks compatibility, pretty much every programming language with a standard library that provides access to it is affected - Java won’t even fix it, others have updated their documentation. Rust is the first to actually implement a fix for a vulnerability that’s ultimately caused by Windows and gets called out for it for some reason. Of course people are going to get defensive about it. As they do every time a stupid headline gets published.