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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It’s not really whataboutism though is it, I’m just pointing out that there are alot bigger causes of climate change that can be dealt with immediately additionally to data centers but we don’t, because these things add a convenience to our lives. People could stop eating animal products, people can stop driving cars. I have, it’s easy.

    But people won’t, so I’m pissing my self laughing at this website crying about AI.

    And let’s add that electricity generation doesn’t have to be expensive and carbon intensive, we’ve chosen this course. We keep voting in government that love feeding money into the oil industry, then we get angry when people protest it by sitting on motorways or throwing paint at pieces of art that will be absolutely useless and worthless once society ends due to the climate crisis.

    But it’s fine, let’s believe misleading information like available in this article and cry about companies trying to revolutionise a piece of technology and carrot on eating off the oil Barron’s stick.

  • This is just anecdotal, but as someone who both drives and cycles in the UK, I’d say it’s city dependent. I live in Leeds, go to uni in Leeds and work in Huddersfield. I cycle to uni, cycle to the train station and drive to work (when I can’t get a train for whatever reason). Leeds is getting there, albeit slowly but it’s getting alot better for cyclists. I like the electric bicycle scheme so I can cycle to the station and just leave the bike there. although it shouldn’t be more expensive than getting a bus.

  • I can speak from experience that content delivery is harder than storage. Companies like YouTube tackle the storage issue by having tiered storage levels. Trending content is stored on SSDs, new and often viewed content is stored on harddrives with a caching system similar to optane and archived storage (essentially old videos that very rarely get views) goes on tape storage. It’s really cool, and it allows massive about of storage in a small space, it’s costs alot to implement but because of the tape storage they essentially have “infinite” (it’s not really infinite of course but it’s a problem for next decade not this decade).

  • Actually the cost issues wouldn’t be the storage it’s self. Storage is pretty cheap, it’s content delivery networks. YouTube is supported by being owned and run by one of the worlds larges content delivery networks. There’s virtually no latency, videos play immediately.

    Having millions (potentially billions in YouTube’s case) of people accessing data at once is an immense challenge and YouTube perfected it pretty early on, that’s part of why there’s no competition.