• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I’ve stopped using them for over a year now.

    Granted, most of the apps I used were snap based, but some of them were flatpack.

    Most of them were single-use “use this tool with flatpack” tools via github, so I really can’t remember what those were when they just didn’t work.

    The ones I looked into why it didn’t work were always some filesystem permission stuff. Configurable? Sure. Not something you should be needing to do on first launch if you want to just use the tool? Absolutely

    The biggest issue I remember I had was with Vorta, a GUI for borg. Which also just had massive filesystem issues (plus some settings saving issues, which I assume also is a FS issue). Having problems reading your filesystem is quite a problem when you want to use a tool that, well, needs to read your filesystem.

    I’m honestly not really interested in stacking a pile of tools up that just didn’t work for me.

    If you like flatpack, go ahead. More power to the people who do.

    It’s just not a tool that I had any luck with. And I don’t really see a point in trying again for the forseeable future

  • He and his lawyer started doing that in the late 90s. When the labels just started knowing what the heck this newfangled internet even is.

    In den späten 90er Jahren, kurz nachdem er wegen Kreditkartenmissbrauch verhaftet worden war, wurden in Hackerkreisen Stimmen laut, dass Kimble auch seine Freunde an die Softwareindustrie gegen Entgelt ausgeliefert habe. Der damalige berüchtigte Schwarzkopierer-Jäger und Anwalt Günther Freiherr von Gravenreuth hat seinen eigenen Aussagen zufolge Kimble als sogenannten Testbesteller beschäftigt.


    Just one of the articles that goes into this assholes history


    In the late 1990s, shortly after he was arrested for credit card fraud, there were rumors in hacker circles that Kimble had also handed over his friends to the software industry for a fee. Günther Freiherr von Gravenreuth, the notorious pirate hunter and lawyer at the time, said he employed Kimble as a so-called test orderer

    They mass-collected the connection data and started mass-sueing/extorting. Nobody else did on such a large scale at the time.