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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I kind of agree. I’m not a pro but I’ve been using gimp to do little bits of editing (mostly to make slack emojis and memes) for a few years, and I constantly encounter little things that seem like they should be simple and intuitive, but are not.

    I haven’t used Photoshop in over a decade, but I feel like I rarely felt the same frustration regarding basic tasks.

  • Yeah, I know I shouldn’t expect much from a site like that, but since it’s shared here I felt like I should shine a little light on the deeper issues.

    This kind of superficial “journalism” rage-baiting boomers for clicks is really frustrating to me. Shit like this is brain-rot at least as bad as Tiktok is. It has always existed, but the extent to which it has replaced actual analysis and investigation is depressing.

    Yes, the parents are partially at fault, of course. But as you indicated, there are significant societal pressures that force families into dynamics like this and it’s not realistic to expect an overwhelming majority to be able to resist it, alone. And since we’re not about to engage in class-based eugenics, it’s up to society to give them a serviceable ladder to climb out of their situation.

    So, TLDR; I wanted to shine a light on deeper issues, so that people don’t think that this is solely a moral failing of parents, and that they DO understand that we have a collective responsibility to help families.

  • I mean, that’s kind of my point - in situations like that, it seems like using Tiktok is small potatoes compared to the more significant issues that’d cause problem behavior. The Tiktok consumption is just another symptom, and if it wasn’t tiktok it’d be some other escape mechanism.

    To me, the article seems lazy, complaining about a superficial problem without spending effort to even consider or mention underlying root causes that could give rise to it and must be solved first.

    And to be clear I’m not blaming the parents, they’re not the “root cause” I’m talking about. They’re victims too, in large part. They and their kids are stuck in a harmful cycle, and people with the ability to break that cycle are unwilling to do so.

  • What does “on tiktok” mean?

    Unsupervised with their own accounts? I feel like that’s difficult to believe. Watching a few tiktoks before dinner with their parents? That doesn’t really strike me as a problem.

    While I don’t entirely disagree with the author, I feel like this is a far too superficial look at what is a larger societal problem: young people have checked out.

    He makes the argument that mental health is in decline, and I’m not sure if that’s true or we’ve just removed the stigma from therapy… But of more concern to me is that young people just DGAF, and I think that’s because older generations have left nothing for younger generations to inherit, besides ruin. Kids 5-7 aren’t gonna understand that, but they’re gonna pick up the vibes from their parents.

  • I do admit I don’t really trust the windows upgrade process. Not for any specific reason, just vibes.

    I haven’t used an HDD in a long time, so idk the current state of affairs, but when win10 first came out, HDDs were fine. That’s a bummer though, and win10 is more expensive both in the cost of the OS itself and in the hardware you need to buy for it. You can run Linux on a potato. But that’s not really the kind of issue that this post is talking about, afaict.

  • I agree those kinds of arcane windows errors suck worse than they do in Linux. But I get those errors so rarely on either system.

    In Windows, I’ll have something happen like my windows won’t remember their last position when I unlock.

    In Ubuntu I’ll have to restart my Bluetooth service every week or so. Or sometimes the update-software modal will not take focus or accept mouse/keyboard input until I reboot. Most recently I had an app from the official app store fill up my entire partition because it spammed syslog, which broke my credentials cache, and I couldn’t even log in until I made a temporary sudo user and emptied syslog.

    None of these are super difficult, but they also don’t provide error messages.

  • I mean, you don’t HAVE to do any of that stuff in Windows, it’s just helps a bit.

    I’m sure there are plenty of windows horror stories. But almost every Windows computer I’ve had in the last decade, both custom and OEM, has worked pretty well out of the box. And almost every Ubuntu computer I’ve had over the last decade has had problems that weren’t trivial to fix.

    I like Linux, but when people compare these problems like they’re the same just are missing the point.

  • We both have issues. But as I said, at least I have a modicum of self-awareness.

    I don’t expect you to go back and check, but I think you know that’s not how the hostility started.

    Anyways, I’ll lay off now unless you ask a question or say something wildly out of line, but I’d like to part with this: your take here doesn’t seem to align with other things you’ve said in your (public) comment history on your (public) profile. We’re all forced to play the capitalist game, but you’re not going to be rewarded for this kind of devotion to your boss.