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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • You can’t counter someones argument by just saying the same thing you know.

    Sure you can. You can also win any argument by replying “no you”. You just don’t leave a very good impression if you do that.

    He brings up a good point as you can in fact argue your likeness in court.

    This would likely require a court case but chances are the AI law would have to offer an exception to it.

    It’s probably just going to fall under existing law and the owner of the AI replaces the owner of the copy that was made (so same laws, no exception). Not sure what law that is exactly, but I assume it involves royalties and the like and there’s an exception for certain things, like news and maybe art.

    Here’s an article on it from the perspective of painting. I don’t see why it would any different if it’s an AI “painter”. It’s still technically painting what it does.

  • I still have to log in via fucking RDP to set it up.

    Nah you don’t. I’ve made plenty of headless installations for windows. You think everyone with a datacenter with hundreds of windows servers logs in to each of them with RDP? You can do it with an unattended.xml file. Which is harder to do than what I had to do to make a headless raspberry pi ubuntu server. By a lot, although if you look long enough, you might be able to copy someone else’s unattended.xml.

    Also, Windows Event Viewer still blows

    Yeah, it’s… an acquired taste. You can actually script it. But it is harder than string manipulation, since the events are all objects, not strings.

    Then why has every Windows admin I’ve ever had to deal with use the GUI?

    Cause I’m lazy.