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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s not trusting Big Tech, it’s understanding that Little Tech can also lie.

    Cox Media Group wants to hype up their product and use AI buzzwords. To be seen as reliable they say that they work with Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc.

    The report is basically CMG saying they can do X, and everyone else calling bullshit. (And in response CMG clarifying “No, we don’t actually do that” and then also removing the companies they don’t actually work with.)

    It isn’t definitively saying they don’t, but also isn’t saying that they do. You can assume the worst if you like, but that doesn’t mean the worst is actually true.

    Is it possible this type of spying exists? Yes. Is it possible this is a cover up? Yes. Do we have actual data to support that? No.

    Tomorrow an investigation may reveal otherwise, but for now it doesn’t seem to be the case.

  • Yes but PROVE IT. Define what wrong they did. That’s my point.

    Take a look at the recent monopoly trial, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/05/technology/google-antitrust-ruling.html

    They claim that spending $18 billion per year to be the default search engine makes them monopolistic. That’s it? That’s all they got?

    So the result will be Google stops paying $18 billion and device/browser manufacturers have to put up a Browser Choice dot EU type option.

    Go back 10 years and put that law in place. AFAIK Apple has always defaulted to Google. Samsung probably would have sold out to Bing to be the default (although in this case Bing wouldn’t reach a monopoly, so I guess that’s ok for some reason).

    I’m not saying paying to be the default didn’t help, but is that the reason they have 90% of the searches? No.

    Did they do some else? Maybe. Someone should prove it and we can have an actual change.

  • Being a monopoly and engaging in negative monopolistic behaviors are also different things.

    For example if the only two burger joints in the world were McDonalds and Burger King, and Burger King decided to replace their burgers with literal shit, actual human and animal feces, would McDonalds be a (I hope and assume) monopoly? Probably. Are they engaging in negative monopolistic behavior? Not necessarily.

    Obviously, as a quick aside, fuck Google for their shitty software decisions, their cancelling of great products and their enshittification of a majority of their applications.

    However simply having 90% of the market does not technically mean they have done anything wrong. You can’t say they have 90% of the market therefore they have done something illegal or have abused being a monopoly.

    You have to be specific. You have to call out payment to companies to be the default. But even that isn’t quite enough because companies sold access. Can a company be at fault for buying access as the default? It was for sale. It’s a weak argument, or at least an incomplete one. You need to prove they abused their position. Or you need to make a case that the industry they are in requires additional regulation as a whole.

    I say this because although it sounds like I’m defending Google I’m not. There is a difference between something feeling illegal and something being illegal. Technically, although a recent judgement would disagree with me, they haven’t done anything wrong. It feels like they have. I agree it feels like they have. But they haven’t (or there are further pending results which will prove otherwise).

  • I use flat case most of the time, but I also try to stick to single word files so there is no case to get in the way.

    I think for documents I might share like a PDF I’d use Pascal case.

    In a classroom or teaching setting I will sometimes use Kebab case as I find it is the least confusing and makes it extra clear where the word division is. Similarly I avoid Dot notation since it’s confusing for folks coming from a Windows world.

    And I would avoid Screaming because that’s just too loud anywhere.

  • To frame this question differently, why is Apple able to sell default access on their devices?

    Quick math shows Apple makes ~100 Billion per year. The article states Google pays ~20 Billion to Apple per year. That’s a significant value to Apple.

    I’m not necessarily disagreeing with the decision, but curious how Google paying Apple is a monopoly, but Apple offering search to the highest bidder isn’t also a problem (or maybe it is).

    As another example, how well did the EU browser choice ruling have on consumers choosing a browser.

  • Obviously I don’t know what the details of he suit against Disney but the truth is Disney fucked up and they knew it.

    Disney tried to gain a few extra bucks at the cost of a legal battle with Johansson. If Disney won it would have been a clear signal that Disney is willing to screw over top talent for a few million dollars.

    Not to compare “Black Widow” to “Endgame”, but that’s squabbling over millions when billions are at stake.

    Looking at someone like Johansson that’s squabbling over millions when tens of hundreds millions are at stake. Contracts with top talent now take longer, top talent is a little less likely to work with Disney.

    It all but guaranteed a loss for Disney.

    The settlement was Disney’s way of saying “we fucked up”, and truth be told was probably at least partially responsible for Bob Chapek being replaced as CEO.

  • Layoffs also shake every other employee in an immeasurable way.

    Even if you didn’t lay someone off they may now change their priorities. Maybe they focus on the people pleaser tasks. Maybe they focus more on what is good for them to keep their job vs what is good for the company.

    Layoffs should be a last resort but tech companies are just playing follow the leader right now. In a few years we’ll see memoirs and books stating “in hindsight we may have made a mistake, but we made the best decision we could with the information we had at the time”, it’s all absolutely bullshit. This is all being done for a temporary stock boost.