• 6 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2023


  • yeah the last few weeks whenever we delete something, it will still show our username in perpetuity, but to make my actual comment go away I manually delete the comment And replace it with a hashtag.

    Thereafter, people can still upvote the nothingness comment or downvote the nothingness comment and they can still reply to the nothingness comment If they’re weird and they want to, and sometimes they are weird and they do.

  • They change their mind about 100 things bi-weekly. I’m frankly numb to it. I never know what’s going on, just keep riding the unpredictable rollercoaster.

    like remember a few weeks ago for one day YouTube had an option to choose from recommended videos based on our favorite color scheme? So weird & pointless but i chose Blue lavender then They presented me with a bunch of videos with a blue lavender-ish thumbnail, and I chose one to watch, then everything went back to normal and they never gave me the colors option again.

  • “Sink the pink” is used metaphorically to refer to engaging in sexual acts or surrendering to carnal desires.

    the woman described in the song has a reputation for being rough and demanding, yet simultaneously alluring. She encourages the narrator to embrace their natural instincts and indulge in pleasure freely.

    The chorus suggests that sinking the pink, which can be interpreted as engaging in sexual activity, is exciting. The repetition of the phrase “sink the pink” reinforces the theme of indulgence and uninhibited pleasure.


  • Yes, LJ Dawson has always been known for taking extended vacations. It’s okay. He works hard. He deserves all his vacations whenever and for however long he pleases.

    I wonder if it’s just one dude or if he has a whole band of Brothers who work with him on this. cuz what if he gets in a car accident goodness forbid in a coma or death or something and then what happens to Sync for Lemmy?