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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023

  • Go for the Arr suite. Radarr for movies, Sonarr for series. They work well with Jackett, and actually have an even better (use comfort) alternative to it called Prowlarr. Once set up, maybe spending a couple hours understanding how they work, downloading a movie or a series is as easy as entering its name in a search field, seeing the related list (completely accurate), hitting add and watching the torrent start automatically. And if Jellyfin is configured as well, I can start watching whatever I downloaded with a couple clicks right away on any device I have Jellyfin, in full whichever quality my pre-set profile searched the torrent sites for. That’s quite the supply chain, centralized after landing on your host computer, streamable to any local devices or online devices, and can be automated to even search and download queries that come through discord messages.

    Understanding the indexer stuff can take a little time at the start, but it is actually as easy as saying that Jackett/Prowlarr is just the middleman between you typing your movie name and searching through all torrent sites you want at the same time. The net has videos of using them if they look confusing at any point. Using Radarr/Sonarr themselves after setting up the indexers is as straightforward as using any streaming services.

  • Switched from the default win10 mail app to thunderbird about a year ago when the mail app started forcibly updating to the outlook and broke some shit on my windows installation to use a whole lot of resources. I quite liked the old mail app of the windows, but Thunderbird is quite enough of a replacement at default settings and much more customizable after fiddling. K9 has no difference than Gmail on default settings, either.

  • 5.15. isn’t that bad of a kernel version in my experience. Admittedly, I’m don’t have any latest gen hardware at the moment, but using one generation back RX 6700XT without problems on it with Mint. Alternatively, one can install the newer 6.x kernels with a few clicks if needed, they are not actively blocked or unlisted.

  • I’ve been trying out Mint (Cinnamon) for some months now. I have an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU and an AMD Radeon 6700XT graphics card, both of which work splendidly on Mint out of the box. This installation is my first ever attempt at using Linux, with dual booting on top of it (on the same sdd with partitioning), but I’d say it set up more nicely than any Windows formatting I’ve ever done over the years. Writing the .iso file to a USB drive was a bit different than I’m used to using Rufus for Windows, but Rufus can write it.

    Mint (Cinnamon) is based on Ubuntu, which itself is a massively changed Debian but with still a good compatibility with it on the surface.

    While Arch is great and all, if you are looking for a life-line after years of being a Windows user but finally deciding to not move on to the next Windows version because of all the shit they keep breaking and all the other ad and data mining they do on those versions, Mint is a great starting distro. It gets installed with all the hardware drivers present, for AMD hardware at least but Nvidia should work, too. No need to set up a modern working computer environment with requirement to install anything to get your things working. As long as OS installation goes correctly and it boots up, you are good to go.

    As for regular stuff:

    1. Libre Office is pre installed, and I find it pretty good even tho I had quite the dislike for it before. Select a theme and a layout preset for the toolbar, you are right in your element as if you are continuing to use MS Office.

    2. Gaming with Steam is just turning on one setting in Steam settings, the compatibility tab (Proton), and that’s it. Most games work out of the box. For others, check ProtonDB for what people say about the game. They usually work, or there is a little basic fiddling required at best. I can play Hunt: Showdown with Easy Anti Cheat without a hassle on it. Just another little Proton file installed, that’s all.

    3. For Windows-only programs, you can use Wine. Wine works in the background, and when properly installed, it allows you to just double click any .exes and run them. Programs can be a bit slower than using them on Windows, but most of them work on Linux with Wine if it is what matters to switch from Windows. You can play a lot of non-Steam games through that, too.

    4. Mint has a Microsoft Store-like program repository where you can install programs and their dependencies with one click. This works well most of the time, but sometimes Flatpak versions of these can be problematic. I’ve had Steam, Discord and Wine installed through it, and they had problems to some extent. For these, I switched to grabbing .deb installation files through their own websites, or in the case of Wine, installed through its own instructions on its website using a few terminal commands, which isn’t more complicated than using Registry editor or Group editor in Windows.

    5. Most other common stuff has good alternatives, with downsides or upsides. Switching from MPC to VLC, from Photoshop to Gimp, MS Office to Libre Office, etc. The internet forums have many detailed answers to these, or you can always ask for thoughts yourself. There usually is an alternative most of the time.

    One thing to keep in mind: As Mint Cinnamon is based on Ubuntu, you can use answers for Ubuntu most of the time. However, while using the answers, keep these in mind as a form of cheatsheet when troubleshooting, or looking for implementing things:

    Mint (Cinnamon) v21 and above are based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS called Jammy, not Ubuntu 20.04 LTS called Focal(?). Almost all answers for 22.04 LTS will work on Mint Cinnamon, and all repositories and programs for it will work on Mint, too. 20.04 LTS, or recent 24.04 LTS, will have compatibility when looking for answers, but they are not directly what you are using.

    Mint Cinnamon also uses Gnome, not KDE, as the desktop environment, so keep that in mind when looking for answers. It also uses X11 of Xorg by default for its base graphics drawing, not Wayland.

  • Oh no, forming your ideas into comprehensible essay format with intersentence connectivity and flow, maybe even splitting into paragraphs, isn’t even close to LLM speech.

    I do form long, connected, split texts and comments, too, but there is a great difference between mine and an LLMs tone, cadence, mood or whatever you wanna call these things.

    For example, humans usually cut corners when forming sentences and paragraphs, even if when forming long ones. We do this via lazy grammar use, unrestricted thesaurus selection, uneven sentence or paragraph lengths, lots of phrase abbreviations e.g. “tbh”, lax use of punctuations e.g. “(ChatGPT?)”, which also is a substitution for a whole question sentence.

    Also, the bland, upbeat and respecting tone the bots mimic from long-thought essays is never kept up in spontaneous writing/typing. Dead giveaway of a script-speech than genuine, on-point and assuming human interaction.

    Us LLMs can’t do these with rather simple reverse-jenga syntax and semantics forming, with simple formal pragmatics sprinkled, yet. The wild west, very expansive, extended pragmatics of a language is where the real shit is at.

  • While I do share your sentiment on most of these points, I think this guide assumes the person with the problem is already in an intrigued state of mind about the problem. Them being interested about the end result doesn’t change this in this matter, as they are interested in getting results AND learning the steps to do that, rather than learning how the steps are constructed by the working of the computer. That applies to computer-literate people (more precisely people who know how to navigate the front-end usually) who are also not related to computer engineering in any time of their lives. They don’t need to know the video player program generates logs, let aside having knowledge about how to read them.

    However, the people with a computer problem but with no interest in learning how to solve it and just would like it to work without their effort, which I assume the guide doesn’t have in mind as target audience, are the type that a lot of people immediately think of when such stuff is mentioned. I’d agree your sentiment applies correctly to this specific type.

  • Dunno why that got down voted even though it agrees with and elaborates on the comment I replied to.

    It is just a statement. I didn’t even urge, encourage or request anybody to stop using that, so not even pressing on the toes of anybody except really insecure people like the other commenter on your level.

    Hell, it is used by those insecure people who can’t handle a criticism about their beliefs, usually in context where the subject is women, minorities, people living difficult lives, people enjoying crazy shit harming no one (else), rebellious populations that are directly or indirectly fucked by the colonialism.and fight back with whatever they have, even if it looks primitive in the face of their adversaries firepower.

    And here I am making just one criticism about the use of a word that has almost become the Reddit’s “this” in Lemmy political environments, and I’m the one clutching pearls or being insecure.