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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • What relevance does Linux have in this specific context? Does Linux have a marketing team? Does Linux compete on a hardware level with Apple? Is there a Linux corp we haven’t heard about that’s working with some chip manufacturer we also haven’t heard about in order to create ARM processors that can compete with Apple silicon? No? Maybe don’t shoehorn Linux into everything regardless of relevance, especially not in such a lane way.

  • Huh, last I checked, the professional standard was Mac, at least for recording instruments. From what I vaguely recall, Windows has a latency issue due to how they handle audio stream inputs. I went through these woes myself once while using my guitar & Amp through my computer to practice with headphones on and having the music playing on top. The latency just doesn’t allow you to concentrate on what you’re playing, it completely distracts you. You can get it lower by doing something, I don’t remember what, but that solution ends up introducing random new bugs such as certain audio streams suddenly not playing at all for a while before fixing themselves, and it still doesn’t quite get latency low enough to not notice it.