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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023

  • It says nothing about spyware, the article isn’t hyped up at all, and describes a token to track installations vs downloads.

    "This data will allow us to correlate telemetry IDs with download tokens and Google Analytics IDs. This will allow us to track which installs result from which downloads to determine the answers to questions like, “Why do we see so many installs per day, but not that many downloads per day?”

    Also there is an opt-out during installation.

    I don’t even use Firefox, and I honestly am not attacking but your comment seemed very hyperbolic and with little detail.

    You’re right that it’s good to be aware of this stuff, I also don’t see this being a road block for the average user.

  • I’ve had good luck. Reliable and fast as any other service.

    I’m a 3rd year subscriber of the Unlimited plan, $158 for 2 years at a time. I utilize the drive, aliases, mail and VPN.

    No real complaints. I still use Google calendar because it integrated more with Android phone. I still consider going back to Gmail occasionally for simplicity. I really hate Gmail though but email is garbage. Does it really matter?

    I basically priced out good vpn’s, and the two year price of proton was pretty similar to most other quality VPN plans. So why not stick with it and get the rest of the ecosystem too.

    I don’t think about it too much, it’s email and it works.

    I do not care about secure email because I don’t communicate with anyone else using it, but I do like how it automatically blocks trackers and cleans email links for me.

  • Couldn’t forward emails until about a month ago.

    Their drive app backs up only the computer it’s on and other computers cant access that backup. It’s like a sectioned off part. Or I can upload files that any of my devices can access.

    Their calendar has some problems with compatibility of run into and it’s things that the person on either side can’t change. Not world ending but it’s really annoying.

    They literally just added the ability to automatically add holidays to the calendar. And of course I had set it up about a month prior so I manually entered everything.

    The proton drive app for your phone doesn’t automatically back up anything.

    I’m not shitting on proton because I’m an active proton unlimited subscriber and I use a bunch of their services, but I also recognize the flaws and how it’s not as seamless as Google yet, which I don’t expect it to be.

    I also wish they had some better Linux support in preaching to the choir with that.

    Love their vpn and the netshield features. Email works great and I love knowing I can read an email and automatically have trackers blocked. Aliases are great but I use their simple login site free with my proton subscription too. So my point is I like them lots, but it’s not a complete Google replacement yet.