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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • Yeah, Linux is just not that accessible tbh. I know maaayyyybe a little more than average about computers, meaning I know how to follow tutorials lol.

    I installed Ubuntu onto my laptop because it was getting old and slow. Overall, I’m very satisfied with the speed. My laptop is fast as it was new. But, doing some of the simplest things is a nightmare to me. I spent an hour last night just trying to install AirVPN. Why do I have to go into terminal? Why can’t I just right click and install? Then when I finally got it installed I realized there’s no UI, so idk how to use it lol.

    Given, I could learn. Nothing wrong with that. But the opportunity cost is low - I’m really not willing to give up that much for ? benefit.

    Thank heavens for the Ubuntu app store