This has been my issue as well.
And when you sail the high seas to liberate books. You might get the actually book, without issues. You might get a file named your book, that has 17 pages of that book and then the rest is a manual to fix a car.
This has been my issue as well.
And when you sail the high seas to liberate books. You might get the actually book, without issues. You might get a file named your book, that has 17 pages of that book and then the rest is a manual to fix a car.
My company has multiple options for computers. You can choose the windows laptop. The bigger windows laptop. The other windows laptop. Or if you are a graphic designer, that one MacBook option.
Like the actives on that card aren’t tracked.
Google harvesting all your data for profits. I’m shocked. Shocked I say.
Fuck the stars. Like they do anything for profits.
You wanna know how to find a shitbag Nazi, talk about a shitbag Nazi they idolize.
In this thread….people defending a shitbag nazi for being a shitbag nazi. Just cause he’s YouTube famous. Will this be good for Linux, sure. His pew still a shitbag nazi, yes. Yes he is.
This is why I stopped giving a shit at work and not spending all the extra effort. It all just gets killed by some manager that doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about.
How dare your company not advertise on my company cause I’m a racist wanna be nazi twat.
If the models are trained from twitter. We are more fucked than we already are. Only thing it would prosper at is racism and bigotry.
It’s because they still have human targets out there that are only compatible with 2g. The humans haven’t gotten their 5g implants yet.