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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I’d also consider myself pretty tech-savvy, but that came from plenty of mistakes growing up including putting malware on the family computer at least twice (mostly ads for these “Pokemon MMOs” back in the mid aughts that were too enticing for my kid brain to refuse 😅).

    It’s very easy for me to forget how much of an outlier my tech experience is among most folks around my age. I had an acquaintance in the first year of college I helped by giving essay advice, and was very surprised to see that the only thing they really knew how to do was basic use of apps on their iPhone. They got a laptop for school, but no computer experience, no keyboard typing experience, and even just the iPhone Settings app was a scary place to be avoided for the most part. To this person, Microsoft Word was a new thing they had to learn on top of everything else. In college. It was also in the South so I don’t know if I should be that surprised unfortunately.

    Regardless, it was pretty wild to me, but a very real reminder that not everyone has access to the same resources education, and/or experience to draw on.

  • The device wouldn’t necessarily have to be constantly streaming the audio to a central server. If it’s capable of hearing wake up words like “Ok Google” it’s capable of listening for other phrases and having onboard processing to relay back the results much more compressed. Whether or not this is common practice is another matter, and yes the algorithms are scary good even without eavesdropping.

  • That’s fair. I think fundamentally a false positive/negative isn’t that much different. Pretty much all tests—especially those dealing with real world conditions—are heuristic, as are all LLMs by necessity of the design. Hallucination is a pretty specific term given to AI as an attempt to assign agency to a system that doesn’t actually have any (by implying it’s crazy and making stuff up instead of a black box with deterministic inputs and outputs spitting out something factually wrong but with a similar format to what is trained on). I feel like the nature of any tool where “you can’t trust this to be entirely accurate” should have an umbrella term that encompasses both types of providing inaccurate info under certain conditions.

    I suppose the difference is that AI is a lot more likely to randomly go off, whereas a blood test is likelier to provide repeated false positives for the same person with their unique biology? There’s also the fact that most medical tests represent a true/false dichotomy or lookup table, whereas an LLM is given the entire bounds of language.

    Would an AI clustering algorithm (say, K-means for instance) giving an inaccurate diagnosis be a false positive/negative or a hallucination? These models can be programmed on a sliding scale and I feel like there’s definitely an area where the line could get pretty blurry.

  • I mean, AI is used in fraud detection pretty often; when it hits a false positive (which happens frequently on a population-level basis), is that not a hallucination of some sort? Obviously LLMs can go off the rails much further because it’s readable text, but any machine learning model will occasionally spit out really bad guesses almost any person could have done better with. (To be fair, humans are highly capable of really bad guesses too).

  • Perhaps they are bad examples, but my point was more that I think those ecosystems thrive in spite of the company that owns the upstream at this point more than because of it. They did tremendously useful work getting the projects off the ground but it ostensibly seems like they get in the way more often than not; that said, I haven’t done any open source work on either of the two. I’d be interested to hear your take, I could be pretty far off the mark.

    Honestly my main examples I’d point to right now are situations like manifest V3 and Android nitpicks like the recent Bluetooth 2-tap change; don’t get me wrong, they are easy to fork and have thriving ecosystems in terms of volunteer dedication, but those forks still primarily targeted towards technical users (with some exceptions) and companies selling devices like the Freedom Phone (and other, actually neat, useful, properly privacy focused devices which is awesome!). By far, however, most users are on the upstream branch due to “default choice” psychology and have to deal with the bullshit that’s increasingly integrated into the proprietary elements that Google seems to be making harder and harder to separate from the open source ones. I suppose that’s why education and getting the word out are all the more important though.

    Could be the sensationalist end of the tech news cycle getting me spun up on an overall inaccurate view of things.

    There is also the point I have to raise that security update support is always a very valuable asset that can be worth dealing with some downsides to get ahold of. I’m hoping a lot of those can be pulled into open source projects on more of a piecemeal basis where applicable?

    I’d be happy to be proven wrong about my rudimentary assessment. I have enough things to be doomer about and honestly it would be nice to have one or two fewer!

  • Chromium is still open source, as is Android to some extent. I get that the two companies (Google and Proton) are in completely different size classes, but something being open source doesn’t necessarily mean it stays healthy. Sure people can fork it, but the issue tends to lie in continuous maintenance by volunteers against continuous maintenance by a large company that’s constantly adding in anti-features along with desired ones.

    I’m not necessarily saying Proton will go down that route, but trying to become big and bundled as a value proposition opens the door for that behavior once they get enough people locked into the ecosystem.